Saturday, 6 October 2012


Did you know that according to a study of home buyers and sellers this year, 38% of sellers were referred to their agent by a friend, a neighbor or a relative?  Another 26% used an agent they had worked with before.  Why?  Because, now more than ever, trust, integrity and reliability are essential qualities people look for when considering the sources and resources they use to help make decisions for their families.  The internet has given consumers a wide spectrum of information to help them decipher what they need to know, but still, in the end, it’s good to know there is a friendly face and helpful hand they can turn to when trying to sort it all out.
That’s why I’m grateful to all of my customers for their many referrals throughout my career, but also happy to provide a list of those customers who don't mind sharing their experience with others.  For most of us, there’s comfort in that referral, and in that knowledge that other people, just like us have been down the same road successfully.
What’s also wonderful is how many of my customers I’ve referred my clients to as well.  If you have a business or service that would benefit my customer base, share it with me!  I’m happy to send valuable referrals your way too!  Call me today!

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